Task Collaborators

Collaboration is often essential in research, allowing for diverse expertise and multiple sets of eyes on a project. Recognizing this, Cognition offers comprehensive collaboration tools. Here's how you can seamlessly integrate collaborators into your tasks:

1. Adding Collaborators to a Task

A single task in Cognition can benefit from the insights of multiple collaborators. Here's how to integrate them:

  • Tasks you're collaborating on will be visible on your personal dashboard, making access straightforward.

  • To invite a new collaborator, all you need to do is provide their email address. Note, however, that the individual must already be a registered user of Cognition.run.

2. Levels of Collaboration

Understanding that not all collaborators require the same access, Cognition offers tiered levels of collaboration:

  • Viewers:

    • Their access is the most limited, primarily designed for those who need insight into the task but shouldn't make modifications.

    • They can share the task link, providing others with a view into the task, but cannot make edits or access data.

  • Editors:

    • A step above viewers, editors can delve deeper into task modifications.

    • They possess the ability to both share the task link and edit the task as required.

    • However, data privacy is preserved, as they cannot download the collected data.

  • Owners:

    • The most comprehensive level of access is reserved for owners.

    • Like editors, they can share and edit the task, but they also have the ability to download the collected data.

    • Additionally, they can expand the collaboration circle by inviting new collaborators, ensuring the right people have access at all times.

3. Modifying Collaborator Access

It's common in research for roles to evolve. As your project progresses:

  • Consider revisiting the access levels of your collaborators. Perhaps a viewer now needs editing capabilities, or an editor should be elevated to an owner.

  • Cognition makes these adjustments simple, ensuring that as your research needs shift, your collaborators' access can shift with them.

In summary, Cognition’s collaboration features are designed to mirror the dynamic nature of research. Whether you're working with a small team or a large cross-disciplinary group, Cognition ensures everyone has the right level of access to contribute effectively to the task at hand.

Last updated