Getting Started

Cognition provides a streamlined environment for running cognitive experiments online. This guide will walk you through the foundational steps to set up, code, and deploy your experiments using Cognition.

1. Setting Up Your Account

Before diving into experiments, create your Cognition account:

  • Navigate to the Cognition homepage.

  • Click on "Create an account" to initiate the registration process.

  • Fill out the required fields: name, email, and password.

  • Once registered, you'll have access to Cognition’s dashboard and the suite of tools available.

2. Coding Your Task with jsPsych

jsPsych is at the core of task creation within Cognition. Here’s how to get started:

  • Open the Cognition online code editor.

  • Code your task using the jsPsych library. If you're new to jsPsych, consider starting with available templates.

  • For users with pre-existing tasks on GitHub, import functionality is available.

3. Experiment Sharing & Deployment

Once your task is coded, deployment is straightforward:

  • Every coded task is allocated a secure, unique URL.

  • Copy and share this URL with your participants.

  • Participants access the task via the link, ensuring data collection is centralized within Cognition.

4. Data Collection & Export

With Cognition, data collection is real-time and intuitive:

  • After task completion, participant data is automatically saved.

  • Access and review data within your Cognition dashboard.

  • Depending on your analysis tools, export data in various formats, including CSV, JSON, and SQL.

5. Integrating External Libraries

Customization and flexibility are paramount. If jsPsych doesn’t cover all your needs:

  • Cognition allows the inclusion of external Javascript or CSS libraries.

  • Simply upload your chosen libraries, which become accessible during experiment runs.

6. Utilizing GitHub for Version Control

For those with a preference for GitHub for version management:

  • Cognition integrates seamlessly with GitHub Actions.

  • This allows for the direct deployment of JsPsych experiments to the platform.

Tips for New Users

  • Start Simple: If new to cognitive task design or jsPsych, begin with a basic task. As you become comfortable, expand and refine your experiments.

  • Utilize Templates: Cognition provides pre-packaged templates. These can significantly reduce setup time, especially for standard cognitive tasks.

  • Data Management: Regularly back up and export your data. While Cognition offers real-time data collection, having multiple data storage points is always prudent.

  • Stay Updated: Cognition, like any platform, evolves. Stay updated with platform changes, added features, and any alterations in the jsPsych library.

In conclusion, Cognition offers a robust and user-friendly platform for online cognitive experiment design and deployment. With tools tailored for both beginners and experienced users, it streamlines the experimental process, allowing researchers to focus more on science and less on the IT side of things. Whether you're starting your first task or managing multiple complex experiments, Cognition is equipped to support your journey.

Last updated